Feedback I have received from the stars of Absolutely.

Some of the members of Absolutely have been in touch, here is what they had to say....

From Morwenna Banks in January 2002 : 

Dear Andy,
I looked at the website yesterday and it really is amazing. Well done.
It's not that we are denying knowledge of the show - It's just that we find it hard to believe that there is so much interest. We are now looking into releasing a DVD or videos or previously not-out-on-video stuff.

I think we have an official website too with more information about what we are up to.

Why not let the folks at Channel 4 know about your site and all the interest in the shows and maybe they will re-run them.

I have told the other "Absolutely's" about your site so they are checking it out too.

It's so good to know you're out there - All the die-hard fans.

Keep up the good work.

With all the best wishes
Morwenna Banks.

Here is a signed photo which
Morwenna Banks kindly provided

From John Sparkes in June 2001 : 
John sent a kind personal letter and the autograph below.
Here is a signed photo which
John Sparkes kindly provided.

From Peter Baikie in June 2005 : 
Peter kindly sent this old photo of the Stoneybridge Council.
Here is the photo, click to enlarge.

Click the button below to go to the main index of the Absolutely web site.

(c) 2001-2006 www.absolutelyandy.com