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Absolutely Petition
Sign this NOW to show your support for getting Absolutely released in full on DVD.

Andy's petition to get Absolutely
Released in full on DVD or TV!

The voices of many fans CAN make a difference, if you speak up now
Please sign this petition now, the more feedback I get the better!.
Please try and give detailed reasons why you think Absolutely should be repeated or released on DVD.
To sign it, use the link HERE and select 'Petition comments' from the drop down menu. This petition, along with the Guestbook which has been in use since 2001 were submitted to both Absolutely Productions & CH4 in summer 2005. But please keep the comments coming in as the struggle is not over yet. You never know, you may be watching the Absolutely Box set DVD's sooner than you think!

Have you seen the Absolutely NEWS page about the DVD release ?

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I remember Absolutely from when I had just left school and it was the funniest programme I can remember of the time.

I think it should be repeated or at least released on DVD for the current generation to appreciate and for people like ourselves who remember it from the first time around to relive those classic sketches and characters who have been copied such as the schoolgirl who appeared in the fast show by Caroline Ahern as a grown up but still the same basic character.

My personal favourites were Mr Don and Mr George and the Stoneybridge council and of course the schoolgirl played by the lovely Morwenna Banks.

British humour has always been known to be at the leading edge of comedy and it would be a sin to allow Absolutely to disappear into the mists of time having only been witnessed by a single generation.

In my mind Absolutely is up there with the likes of Monty Python.
I would buy this the moment I heard that it was released on DVD or if it were on TV again I would sell my children( if I had any) just to have peace and quiet to watch it.

Absolutely was FANTASTIC and it should be available for all to enjoy.


Andrew Robertson
Ayr, Scotland but now in Germany.

Simple its a comedy with a cult following. absolutely hilarious

pcg small
Sussex u.k

I forgot how good this was until I came across this site. Now I must have more... Bring it back!!!!!!

Argyll, Scotland

There has never been a better time to release Absolutley on DVD.

The BBC, and many other companies, have started to release many of their great comedies, even some obscure ones, so they know there is a market out there for these shows.

It was, and still is, one of the most original and genuinely funny comedies I have ever seen, even thinking about it after all these years leaves me with a smile on my face!

Absolutely MUST be made available as soon as possible, as it deserves, no demands, to be included in anybody's DVD collection.

Steve Linney
Norwich, UK.

Should be more revered and poular than "The Fast Show" which "borrowed" many characters, espacially the old guy.  Why can't we get it on DVD?  Channel 4, please do something about this!

Julian Fargher

Bring back the Absolutely crew sadly missed and Scotlands humour at it best. So come DVD asap.....

Ian Greig
Helensburgh, U.K

Wonderful characters, sometimes unbearably funny and never repeated or released properly. Why ignored?
The next generation should have a chance to see it.

Jake Lewis

I can't believe that Absolutely cannot be purchased on DVD, especially considering that it is one of the funniest comedy series of all times. It deserves to be a classic. Please somebody release it. I would certainly buy a copy for me and one for each of my friends!


Martin Patefield-Smith
Powys, U.K.

Release it! Nobody can believe Stoneybridge was twinned with Yetts of Muckhart (half of the council lived there anyway!) I need the proof!



I could give you a hundred detailed reasons why this wonderful series should be released on DVD, but in the end it's simplest to say: I LOVED it.

Careena Bruen
Brighton, UK

Having spent many, many hours with family and friends in total enjoyment watching what can only be described as the funniest comedy ever (alongside to Monty Python), it is only right that this series should be further spread amongs the masses.

I and many other of my friends and colleagues have been suffering from lack of "Absolutely" for many years...we need to put out of our misery and "CHEERED UP".

If ever there was a time to release a classic comedy onto DVD it is now...why...because it is undoubtedly the most brilliantly unique series since the creation of TV...yes that good.

Those who have the control of making this happen...or not as the case is as present...should feel privelaged to have this honour in providing all that is the genius about ABSOLUTELY to the human race...forever....
oh to have that ability to make the world a better place....

Do it...it's for all of us...and a tip..."clean out the back of your taxi" !!!

Absolute love...Lindsay

Lindsay Addison
Douglas, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Please, Please, Please bring this classic comedy back to those who experienced it the first time and for those who were never blessed the first time round. Just thinking about Callum Gilhooley, Shadwell and the rest, just makes me laugh.
It's not very often that a Legend, a programme makes.
But, this is it.
Please release to DVD.

Graeme Symon
Oxford, Previously from East Kilbride.


Absolutely consistently had me in hysterics when it was on TV all those years ago. I've managed to find a few clips on the web but I would really love the show to be released on DVD, I realise that it's not as easy as it sounds but please please release it!

I know a number of people that would cherish owning DVDs of this outstanding show. Looking at modern comedy there's not a lot of silly humour, Mighty Boosh comes close but the characters in Absolutely were funny enough to make a li'l bit o' wee come out (of my ex girlfriend!)

It would be good if Absolutely productions had an 'Absolutely on DVD' mailing list to notify people to save Andy from having to work his butt off. On that note, thank you for all your hard work Andy - nicely done! ;-)

Stuart Brand
Hove, East Sussex

Absolutely was a great comedy series and should be released in it's entirety........PLEASE!!!!

Nigel Darling
Comber, Northern Ireland.

Absolutely was one of the three best British comedy series ever released - The Young Ones and Fawlty Towers being the other two. Second hand VHS tapes of Absolutely now sell for £50-60. Release all series on DVD now so that a new generation of fans can see this unique program.

Nick Parr
Milton Keynes UK

When you look at the pile of crap that's out there masquerading as comedy these days, it's high time that Absolutely made a return to our screens. There's a whole generation out these who have never experienced the rants of McGlashan or the wisdom of  Frank Hovis.

Ian Smith

One of the best comedy shows ever, why isn't it repeated or out on DVD?

Nancy farrell

This was a brilliant comedy series and I always looked forward to watching it every week! Was very saddened when it just suddenly finished!? My fave characters were prob Denzil & Gwyneth plus the nice family! It was the type of comedy humour which is lacking these days. Surely it should warrant a repeat on tv or a dvd compilation? Id definately love to rewatch it or buy the dvd set. Is it or has it been repeated anywhere? Hopefully a strong campaign will reinstate this great sketch show?

Alan Cloughley
Richhill, Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland.

A much missed great comedy one of the best. I'm sure the DVD would be a great hit you just need to look at Ebay and see how much the vidoes reach to know how much the public want to see more of the Absolutey crew.



My God I would love to own the whole series on DVD!  This programme was muchli underrated genius!  When the boxset is finally released, make sure there's many extras such as out takes, deleted scenes etc.  I have series 2, 3 and 4 on vido that I recorded at the time but NEED them and especially series one on DVD.  Still watch what I have regularly.  Bring out the boxset for the next generation of Absolutely fans (and us old lot too!)

Guy Milnes

It was the craziest show on TV, the humour was way way way off the wall.  Not all of it worked, but the majority did and I LOVED it.

Please please please release it on DVD!

NOW! (please!).

Neil Coutts

The best sketch show ever.  Beats Little Britain hands down and have been searching for it on dvd for months.  One of our best kept secrets.

Claire Perryman

Get it on dvd, its class

Simon Whale
Didsbury ,uk

Just the best comedy sketch show ever, forget Little Britain!

Jonathan Bean
Lancaster, UK

Absolutely are absolutely the best show there ever was on TV... as Denzil would say.

I remember many sketches, and would really love to see them again.

Kenneth Heal
Leiden, The Netherlands

Hardly anybody believes that Callum Gilhooley and Stoneybridge Council existed.  Classic clips such as the Stoneybridge Olympic Bid, and The Wellses adoption of a strapping 14 year old Brazilian, when all they wanted was a child from the Band Aid Video, deserve to be seen again and will show the joys of Absolutely to a whole new audience.

All Roads lead to Rome, except the B572, which skirts .......... Stoneybridge!

Brian Faller
Blackpool - UK

Put it out on dvd right now damn it! When a million lesser programmes get dvd releases and the light entertained seem easier to please than ever its important that the good and the great be remembered. Old man Bert Bastard getting frozen while trying to purchase peas = genius.
Send Calum round till they agree a release date.

Ian Mansfield
Truro, Cornwall

The show should be released on DVD, because:
1) I really need to see it again and haven't got it on tape.
2) I could spend my time laughing rather than moaning about how there's nothing funny on any more.
3) It would have Frank Hovis on it.

Sue Howes
North Devon

it's the best and most original comedy show of thew last 20 years and it makes tittybang bang look like a kids show!

Jack Killick


Absolutely was one of the forefathers of 90s sketch comedy in the UK.  It was before the Fast Show, before Little Britain, before TittyBangBang.  The characters were fantastic.  I remember taping them all off the TV and I watched them over and over again.  I could still quote them now.  If I ever have to spell anything over the phone, I always remember Callum Gilhooley booking his holiday.  "G for...Gnome.  I for I as in me.  L for 'Look at that Honda... (etc).  O for Oh! as in 'Gosh'."  (Paraphrased, but I still remember it!

I'd love this to be on DVD.

Chris Broughton
Bristol, UK

Yes, I'd really like Absolutely to be released on DVD and I'd definitely buy them.

Mike Pearson

Absolutely was the funniest programme of it's time & why it hasn't been repeated or released on DVD for todays lovers of a giggle, at Welsh & Scottish people, is beyond me :-D

Bring it back !!!!

Sean M

Sean M
Sheffield , UK

This will be the second time I have signed this petition as in between times i have obtained all episodes of the series through bittorrent.
I have spent the best part of a couple of hours pissing myself laughing and reliving the memories of this great programme.
all I can say is get it released so that i can buy a legitimate copy and not have to illegally download it.

bert bastards suicide note ..

17 the Arses
Arse gardens

Dear Buggers

I've decided to do away with myself there don't seem to be anything worth living for and even if there was it would have bloody well moved by the time i got there.
i've had a good life apart from me legs which have been bloody shocking
if theres one thing i can't stand, i can't stand up.
my own fault i suppose i had too much quim when i was a young man and if theres one thing thats bad for your legs it's quim.
i'm past it now i haven't had me end away in months that daft saying about widows might, yes they might but in my experience they never bloody do.
anyhow it'll be a relief not to have to go up that bloody day centre no more, i hates that place at the front door they has this big sack and we all as to put our teeth in it so there is no trouble, they won't even let me in the pictures anymore they say i'm a fire risk.
yes only the thought of death that keeps me going. i aint afraid of dying what i'm afraid of is getting caught in the automatic doors on the bus, them bastards snatched an old blokes pension the other day and it ain't happening to me.
must go now me circulation stops at five o clock.

most sincerely
burt bastard

Darren Stewart

DVD please because 1) it's marvellous 2) I'd buy it.

Steinar Kittilsen

Quite simply classic comedy sketch shows deserve to live forever on dvd.

Sandy Matheson

I would happily buy a box set of the whole 4 series of Absolutely!

Alisdair Matheson
Glasgow, Scotland

My tapes are wearing out and I want my children to understand where so much of the phrases that myself and their friends parents use (Get To Falkirk, No Wasps, Its Twue, etc) come from.
And I don't have a copy of McGlashan ranting about making Mickey Weir the speaker of the House, and only a drunken recollection, so DVD now, I can think of 20 people to buy it for.


I love this show and would love to be able to have a copy of it, its like the scottish original alternative to leauge of gentlemen only better!

Bring it back!

Carolyn Cameron

Shadwell, Maigret, Vide-o.  There you have it !

Stoneybridge, nr Motherwell


This was a classic program, of and yet ahead of its time. Why it hasn't been repeated, let alone released on DVD is outrageous!

Jon Williams

Because its a classic. It reflects, and laughs at, a variety of scottish cultural types ( or even stereotypes!), and also, amazingly locates it within a wider UK context.

Heather Christie


Steve G

Saw Frank Hovis live at a very small venue at the 2005 Edinburgh Festival and, through the tears of laughter, the years melted away and I wished I could see the whole Absolutely series again. There is so much garbage released on DVD that it a crime that this series has never seen the light of day. Timeless and brilliant comedy like this should be available on DVD or, at the very least, vido.

Jeremy Windrum
South Chailey UK

Absolutely is one of the ways I define my childhood.
Please give me the chance to enjoy it again.


"Absolutely" was one of the funniest and certainly one of the most daring sketch shows of the era. I remember sitting open-mouthed and then howling with laughter at the on-going antics of the character on the toilet.
I would dearly love to be able to enjoy it all again.

Phil Geary

I am a huge fan of Absolutely since it first aired - even after all these years, I find scenes popping into my head and making me grin.  I would love it if it were to be available on DVD - I would definitely buy it for myself and it would make buying Christmas presents a lot easier.  I can think of plenty of people who would love to see it again/for the first time. 

Edinburgh, Scotland

At its best it was side splittingly funny. Sparks doing a club kareoke was the funniest thing i've ever seen, even now after all these years I'm still haunted by that image, and it still makes me laugh! People shouldn't be denied the chance to view such funny characters. The welsh couple were hysterically funny. Have C4 lost the tapes? What's going on? Repeat it for goodness sake!

Stephen Swingler

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