The event was organised by Martin Dale and hosted the Derby and District Amateur Radio Society. It took place on May 27th 2006 at Carlton Road United Reform Church hall in Derby.
Note to myself - Camera in Shutter Priority mode, manual focus mode set to 6M distance, ISO forced to ISO200, 1/8 S exposure, Repeat A/F mode.
These events are NOT open to the general public for obvious reasons!
Photo selection
To view large versions of any of the photographs below, simply click on a thumbnail.
AA-270506TESLA-01 - Taking a measurement ready for the 10 foot record attempt.
AA-270506TESLA-02 - The 10 foot record is broken, Both arcs connect.
AA-270506TESLA-03 - Another connection but at a shorter distance
AA-270506TESLA-04 onwards - General photos taken at the event.
Bonus ! - Downloadable full screen interactive sequence of 90 frames for PC, Download from HERE. 4.42Mb
Simply download the zip file, extract and run it to see full screen frames of the twin coil in action. Can you spot the connecting arc frame?
Pause the sequence at any time with the left mouse button then use the right mouse button to go back frame by frame or use the mouse wheel to control forward backward. Press ESC to exit the show. The show will run on Microsoft Windows 95,98,ME,2000,XP,2003,Vista. Fast PC graphics card recommenced. Sorry it will not run on Apple Mac. This features 90 of my photos shown at high resolution.